Defining Moments

When I had just turned 8 years old, my parents moved our family from Blanding, Utah to Grand Junction, Colorado.  Although Grand Junction was a good place, and we were moving into a beautiful new home, I was a child that did not take change very well.  I was bitter at having to leave my hometown of Blanding and vowed to be an unhappy child from that moment on.  Shortly thereafter it became time for me and my twin brother, Joe to be baptized.  I well remember the promise at being confirmed, wherein a person is told to " receive the Holy Ghost."  I believe the word "receive" is a keyword, and unless one is willing to open that door, entry does not occur.  For the next 3 years, I was a very unhappy and rebellious child.  Finally, in late Summer, shortly after I had turned 11 years old, some member of my family offended me over some very minor little thing that I do not even remember.  I left home to go to my favorite hiding place, which was a large Oak tree about a quarter-mile from home.  I went there to plan final retribution upon my family, which they would always regret, and never forget.  

At that time, as I planned out some very bad things, I began to cry, (not for the first time) and then began to pray earnestly (probably for the first time) off and on for over three hours.  Finally, a miracle that I did not expect, occurred.  For the first time that I could remember, a feeling of peace came into my heart and I had a feeling of love for my Heavenly Father and my family.  I stayed up in that tree for another hour or so just marveling at how wonderful my family was, how it felt to have joy in my heart, and how much better love felt than hate.  

When I left that tree, I was a changed child.  I know that that time is when I was WILLING to receive the Holy Ghost, and that is the time I chose to have a great life of joy and not hate.  It has been over 61 years since I climbed a tree to plan revenge, and it was only a few hours later that I came down from that tree to fairly consistently seek and find joy, love, and peace in this world.  I can unequivocally state that from that time on, (with a few temper tantrums mixed in) I have been a truly happy person.

The Holy Ghost is definitely a comforter.  I found him way up in a tree when I was 11 years old.  He is my companion as long as I try to listen and be guided by him.  He has introduced me to the joy of the Gospel.  He has led me to the love of my Eternities.  He has helped me to find self-worth, and a desire to serve and love my fellow man.  I am what I am kind of proud of because I once climbed a tree and found a great treasure, even a Pearl of Great Price.


  1. Love that experience Dad! Shows that no matter what the age or the problem God can and does answer prayers.

  2. That is a fantastic story. It brought tears to my eyes. Thanks for the inspiration

  3. Love this dad. And love you.


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